Reading & Stress

Who doesn't experience stress? I used to think that individuals who are rich, don't have to deal with stress. Can you imagine having a ridiculous amount of money and always having to worry about whether one day it will be all gone? I would go crazy. Stress is just a part of life we all have to deal with, but sometimes we don't know how to deal with it. Some people like to listen to music, others like to walk, and others like to scream at the top of their lungs with a pillow over their face (maybe that's just me). Don't fear my book lovers, reading is also a great way of relieving stress! I was so excited to learn about this.

I found this article online and I wanted to share it with you; to encourage you to keep reading (and myself). Many years ago I exercised to relieve stress, but I HATE exercise. When I am reading, I mentally check out and focus on the book. I also figured that this was Stephanie's secret because she reads all of those fun books and it's like a dose of stress-be-gone solution. Do what Stephanie does, and read what you want to read, lose yourself in a book to reach that level of relaxation.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree. I believe that reading is some kind of relaxation. It is stress relieving and a great past time. Great post!
